Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Cat Show 2008

Faridah with her Maine Coon

Red/White persian name Nicole

New Pic...

Here's the new pic of Hiro, Leo and Milo as requested... Hiro and Leo are coming to 3 months and Milo 11 months.

Monday, 17 November 2008

3 months

Here is the new pic of Azad Zoe and Azad Coco. They are 3 months old. Born August 13th 08. 

Coco look exactly like Mia and Mochi (Both Cream Mackeral Tabby)

Thursday, 13 November 2008

How to import/buy cats from overseas...

First thing you need to do is to look for a cattery. Go to yahoo and search for any types of breed. Once you find the cattery, e-mail them. When you e-mail them don't ask for a price. Some cattery will not reply your e-mail if you ask that type of question. Take the time to tell them something about yourself. Your name and where you live. Are you looking for a show, breed or pet kitten? Do you have a preference for a certain color or sex? The kittens are important to most of the cattery and they want to know who are they talking to and the conditions of their kitten would be housed in. And prepare to answer when they ask, are you are register with any cat organization. Btw some cattery don't mind if you are not with any organization, they will still sell the cat to you.

Once you finish making a deal the next step is getting a permit of importation. Go to Department of Agriculture as for the import Form. Before you fill up the form you need to email the cattery and ask them to scan the Medical Certificates, Vaccination and Rabbies (Have to be 1 month from the given date then they can ship the cat to you. The rabbies shot lasted for 60 day) Vaccination and Rabbies must be up-to-date. Fill up the form and send the form together with the copy of medical certificate to department of agriculture. If i am not mistaken the fee for the permit is $7+. Then you will receive a letter or the permit from them.

You will just have to wait for the cat to arrive in brunei. Once in brunei you can hire an agent ($30-40) from cargo to help you with the cat or you can go to cargo and get it for yourself. If it's need to be quarantine it's going to be a month at the gov't vet and 5 months at home separate from other cat.

Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia, Sabah, Sarawak, Ireland, New Zealand are country that exempted from animal being quarantine.

I think thats about it. Sorry if i missed out something.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

I have a longhair cat. Is it Persian?

You can ask them whether their cats got a certificates either from CFA or any other cat registry body. And If they say NO, they i said so, your cat must be a mixed with persian or it can be mixed with other breeds, you never know since you cannot trace your cat lines. In cat world, there is nothing as mixed cat, it not permit able, when the cats has been mixed, we will call it DLH (for longhair) or DSH (for shorthair) even though it may look like a persian to you. So its much easier to know whether the cat is pure Persian or DLH by looking at its cert.

Why cert is important? With the cert you can trace back your cat lines, where the parents came from, what the color behind the lines, are they previously having any health or genetics problems and how good is your cat lines. Even though among the persians, the cat registry body have guidelines and standards to find which is better persians. So, all pedigree persians MUST comes with certificates.

O.k, now..can DLH be registered?...NO, simply because its no longer persians, maine coons or whatever breeds that has been mixed. So, if people ask you what breed is your cat? you have to admit it as its a DLH to avoid confusing and cheating people by thought it is a pedigree persian. DLH cannot compete as persians in all cat registry body shows. For CFA, DLH only can be compete in HHP class..which is all for household cats be it longhair or shorthair.

What about is the previous owner said to me that their parents is a Persians?. Well, you need to check their parents certificates. Both sire and dam MUST have certificates, if both have it, then your cat is a Persian and registerable. If you choose not to register your cat, you'll facing the problems in the future when people wants assurance to make sure that they're buying a pedigree persians. Registering not expensive at all, only about USD10.

So, are you telling my cat is not good?. No, not at all, as long as you loves your cats, its all that counts. However, there are different kind of judging for both. A Persian is judged by their standards. like how big is their eyes, how flat is their face or small is their ears..this Persians can gain points and achived title to show that their lines is very good or not. While DLH have no written standards, they only been judged simply by their cleaness and temperament and they can;t achived any title.

Then, how to know the simplest way whtr my cat is a Persian or DLH?. Simple by having the certificate from cat registry body such as CFA, TICA, FIFe. Without those you cannot claimed you cat is a Persian but it is a DLH, this is to avoid confusing.

If mixed breeds is not permit able, why petshop selling DLH?. Well, the answer is simple, profit!. You see, to get a pair of Persians might cause you up to RM10,000.00 depends on the quality. The better the higher. So, petshop always go for profit where they bought only one Persian usually pet-quality such like RM2000.00 and bred it with shorthair cat. The result can be a semi-longhair kitten which is DLH and some may look like a Persian itself. They claimed that their cat is a Persian and sells like a Persian price. When the buyer know it, its already too late. Some of the Petshop no longer have their Persian but they use their DLH to bred with DLH. It worse to bred the cats like a father to a daughter and a brother to a sister which not ethical! And just thought, all of this mother have too keep on breeding through the year for profit, while registered breeder usually bred no more then twice a year on the same dam.

Articles by Arisham http://www.felinemalaysia.com/FAQ_BM.htm#Persian_or_Not

Apakah Kuching Pedigree?

Kucing Pedigree adalah kucing baka atau kucing yang mempunyai (piawaian). Kucing ini MESTILAH mempunyai sijil ketulenan yang dikeluarkan oleh badan-badan pengawasan kucing dunia. Contohnya : The Cat Fancier's Association (CFA), The International Cat Association (TICA), FIFe etc).

Kenapa pilih kucing pedigree?.
Kucing-kucing ini telah dibuktikan keasliannya (menerusi genetic) dan ia lazimnya mempunyai genetic yang baik dan tidak membawa penyakit. Kucing Pedigree terdapat dalam 42 baka (CFA), seperti Persians, Maine Coon, Norwegian, American Shorthair, Abyssinian dan lain-lain. Kucing pedigree tidak terdapat di pet-shops, Ia hanya boleh didapati oleh pembiak-baka bertauliah (registered breeder)

Kucing-kucing yang biasanya terdapat di Pet-shops ialah kucing yang telah bercampur (didalam peraturan kucing dunia, baka tidak boleh dicampur bagi mengekalkan keaslian baka) kucing-kucing ini kita panggil Domestic bulu pendek (Domestic ShortHair (DSH)) atau Domestik bulu panjang (Domestic LongHair (DLH)). Kebanyakan pet-shops ini menipu pembeli dengan mengatakan kucing mereka 'Persian', 'Garfield', 'Maine Coon' dan banyak lagi, tanpa sijil dari CFA, TICA dsb..ia tidak boleh dibuktikan, ia hanya kucing domestic. Malahan harganya mencapai ribuan ringgit!!!, sedangkan pembeli tertipu dengan baka, malahan tidak mempunyai rekod vaccination dan health guarantee.

Pembiak-baka yang sah (breeder yang berdaftar dgn CFA contohnya) atau registered breeder hanya akan menjual kucing pedigree yang disertakan sijil. Mereka akan menyertakan bersama rekod vaksin, health cert. dan juga agreement jual-beli yang dipersetujui bersama bagi mengelakkan mana-mana Pihak tertipu. Contohnya, katalah anda membeli kucing pedigree tersebut, selepas sehari kucing tersebut mati kerana virus FIV. Anda boleh menuntut Ganti-rugi atau kucing lain dari breeder (seperti agreement jual-beli). Sebab itulah harga pedigree lebih mahal, kerana keaslian dan health guaranteenya, ini ditambah dengan makanan berkuali dan penjagaan yang baik.

Bolehkah anda mendapat guarantee ini dari pet-shop atau individu tertentu? Sudah tentu tidak, malahan banyak pet-shops atau individu yang menjual kucing tidak menitik-beratkan soal penjagaan kucing, kita seringkali melihat kucing didalam sangkar terkurung, berpenyakit, tidak sihat..makanan tidak bersih dsb...kenapa kita mesti support/membeli dari orang sebegini???. Malahan jika kita lihat sesetengah pet-shop menjual kucing mereka dengan harga yang mahal untuk 'Persian' yang sebenarnya hanyalah Domestik Bulu Panjang...sedangkan harga yang sama anda boleh memilikki Persian yang 'original' atau asli.

O.k kenapa sijil penting?
Harus diingat, sijil ini adalah dari badan kucing dunia seperti CFA BUKAN dari syarikat atau cattery atau Pet-shop mana-mana. Kalau Pet-Shop beri anda sijil mengatakan kucing anda Persian atau sebagainya..sijil tersebut TIDAK SAH!.

Sijil penting bagi membuktikan keaslian kucing. Pada sijil terdapat nombor kucing, nama kucing, nama bapa & emaknya, gelaran (jika ada..seperti Champion, Grand Champion dan sebagainya), tarikh lahir dan sebagainya. Anda boleh menyemak dengan CFA (contohnya) untuk mengetahui keturunan kucing anda dan keasliannya.

Sijil juga penting ketika anda ingin 'show' kucing anda..anda dikehendaki mengemukakan sijil bagi bertanding dalam kategori Championship, Premiership & Kitten...jika tidak, anda hanya layak bertanding dlm kategori HouseHold Pet, iaitu kucing domestic dan kucing anda TIDAK AKAN memperolehi gelaran Champion dsb.

Bolehkah kucing domestic didaftarkan untuk sijil?
TIDAK BOLEH. Ini kerana kucing domestic bukan kucing baka atau pedigree. Ia sama sekali tidak boleh didaftarkan.

Articles from http://www.felinemalaysia.com/FAQ_BM.htm#Persian_or_Not

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Updates on the kittens

Most of our kittens have been booked except for Hiro. Leo still pending. I know the buyer wants Leo so bad and maybe i will consider keeping Leo for him. Other than that we're getting another persian. At the moment we still waiting for the paperwork. If everything okay the persian should be here in mid november. But have to quarantine for a month in the vet and 5 months at home. The persian we are getting come off from good bloodlines such as Catillak, Candirand and Divinity. So we are looking forward. For the time being we gonna stop breeding and focusing more on showing our cat in asia. :) We will start breeding again in July.